
BuildWorths Limited

Abakpa G R A / P.O. Box 7197 5B Waziri Ibrahim Crescent
800001 Kaduna
Site Internet

BuildWorths Limited was founded in 2009, but for nearly two decades, the founding members have earned a reputation as one of the few most dedicated general contractor operators in Nigeria. These individuals have expanded the capacity of BuildWorths Limited and demonstrated the ability to undertake large, complex construction projects and complete them on time, within budget, and in accordance with industry best practices.

The build service from BuildWorths is based on practical project management. Its strengths include the ability to plan short and long-term construction activities at the same time and to manage both effectively in order to complete the project on time. The company consistently meets and exceeds its customers 'construction expectations and deadlines.BuildWorths Limited believes that the foundation of its success lies in the obligation to understand and understand customers' requirements for safety, workmanship, timely delivery and value for money to fulfill.

Votre interlocuteur

Bashir Kano


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