
Hall Construction Central Holland

  • Prestige project: Hall construction on KRINNER Ground Screws realized at Lelystad Airport/Central Holland
  • PNL brought together all the companies involved and supervised the entire project from A-Z (engineering, geotechnical + static support, hall builder, surveying company, etc.)
  • The foundations were calculated and checked by an external company in accordance with Dutch legislation
  • Installation on concrete slabs was not technically possible, concrete driven piles were not cheaper in price comparison
  • The client opted for PNL/KRINNER because of the environmentally friendly aspect
  • Delivery of a re-usable product for circular construction

Project info:

  • Hall dimensions: 50 x 34 meters
  • A total of 34 piles were founded
  • 12 per long side with 3 screw piles each and 5 per narrow side with 2 screw piles
  • The required screw pile length [V114 x 5.0] was approx. 6.00 meters and the installation time was 6 working days with the KRD30
  • In order to install as efficiently as possible, the screw pile components were put together per wooden box for each column to be founded
  • The end customer - a high-tech aviation company - was very satisfied and KRINNER partner PNL was very proud of the final result.


Project name Hall Construction
City Airport Lelystad
Country Nederland
Employer High-tech aviation company
Executor PNL
Products used 34 x V 114x5x2000 PT DIBt-approved
Dealer KRINNER Schraubfundamente
Floor area 1700m2
Application area
Sustainable construction Sustainable construction


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