
Battery power. By KRINNER. The new KRINNER ground screw driver KRE B2.


Battery power. By KRINNER. The new KRINNER ground screw driver KRE B2.

With our new handhold ground screw driver KRE B2 we offer you a particularly flexible solution in KRINNER quality.

The KRE B2 is easy to operate due to its light weight and simple on site logistics. It especially shines on sites that are difficult to

access with larger machines. The KRE B2 is battery operated and therefore it is extremely flexible.


Cost-effective entry-level model for a variety of applications

With the KRE B2, you have an affordable opportunity to enter the world of foundation construction with screw piles and implement demanding building applications.
In principle, the KRE B2 can be used for two different user cases. For small applications up to a pipe diameter of D 76 mm and a length of 800 mm. For soft soils up to a pipe diameter of 89 mm and a length of 600 mm. The KRE 2B can also be used for preparations for larger foundations.


  • Battery charger charging current max. 240 V
  • Approximately 2000 Nm torque

We have the appropriate adapters for the KRE B2 in our range. For more information, please contact our sales team.

You can find all information in our flyer

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