Krinner ground screws


163 results:
Pressrelease Terrasmart and KRINNER Schraubfundamente GmbH
Pilot project in Brey: Deutsche Bahn is testing KRINNER Ground Screws for fixing noise barriers and reports on the results.
KRINNER Ground Screws have been mentioned in the German Railway Engineer magazine (Eisenbahningenieur).
The opening of the Technology Center in Mühldorf took place on September 14th, 2023. At the Center,  Deutsche Bahn showcases its latest construction systems for all visitors and interested…
KRINNER Ground Screws for the innovative noise barriers of Deutsche Bahn …
The EPD for KRINNER ground screws.
Technical Data Sheet V 140x6,3 Basic Info KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x M24 2000-PT 1500-ET 1500-EH 860-E Nominal length (mm) 2000 1500 Tube diameter…
Technical Data Sheet V 140x6,3 Basic Info KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x M24 2000-PT 1500-ET 1500-EH 860-E Nominal length (mm) 2000 1500 Tube diameter…
Technical Data Sheet V 140x6,3 Basic Info KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x M24 2000-PT 1500-ET 1500-EH 860-E Nominal length (mm) 2000 1500 Tube diameter…
Technical Data Sheet V 140x6,3 Basic Info KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V KSF V 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x 140x6,3x M24 2000-PT 1500-ET 1500-EH 860-E Nominal length (mm) 2000 1500 Tube diameter…
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